
Where: Italy
Client: SICREA Group
Channel: Commercial Building Service
Applications: Heating, Conditioning
Products: CPE, CP-GE / DCPE, DCP-GE, CM, CM-G / DCM, DCM-G


The project represents the first footstep toward the optimization and the functional rationalization of the real estate patrimony of 'Studies City', strongly fragmented today, and aim to the general afterthought of the logics of development of the whole compartment.

The primary demand is represented by the necessity to give a suitable, functional and integrated center to the Teachings and to the Departments of Computer science with other disciplines and university activity among which a multidisciplines Library and a new center for the Reception and Students office.The new spaces for the Department of Computer science, the new center of the Reception offices Students and the new Library of area of the faculties like Computer science, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are functionally projected as autonomous bodies inside an unitary architectural complex.

Thanks to DAB products, the contractor has been able to propose efficient products for the conditioning and heating of the principal building and the library. Besides thanks to MCE-C, the VFD (Variable Frequency Driver) technology by DAB, the system is able to modulate its power with the purpose to optimize the job reducing the consumptions and therefore the costs.